Saria Plastic Factory

Saria Plastic Factory was established in 1997 to localize manufacturing and meet market’s demand for plastic products. The factory has qualified and specialized cadres.

The production capacity of the factory is estimated at 9000 tons per year, as follows:
8000 tons per year for drawing machines.
1000 tons per year for injection machines.

Factory machines:

Three drawing lines use HDPE 100 materials, with sizes (4 inches (110 mm) to 16 inches (400 mm).
A drawing line uses UPVC material, with sizes (1.5 inch (50 mm) to 4 inches (110 mm).
Fifteen injection machines (80 tons to 1000 tons).
Film machine for manufacturing bags for factory internal use.
Blowing machine to produce 40 liter jerrycan.

Advantages of Saria Plastic Factory Pipes:

Resistant to rust and corrosion.
Flexibility and ease of bending enable it to resist the movement of the soil and save water from wastage. Therefore, it is preferred for use in water networks.
The smoothness of the inner surface, which prevents the growth of fungi, salt leakage, resistance to microbes and facilitates the flow of fluids, so it is the best in terms of health and the environment.
It does not react chemically with water (smell – taste), for that it is the most preferred for transporting water.
The estimated life span of the pipes of Saria Plastic Factory is more than fifty years.

The achievements of the plastic factory:

Obtaining certificates of the Integrated Management System (IMS).
Localizing manufacturing plastic parts for batteries, electronic and electrical devices in the Saria Industrial complex.
Contributing to a number of national projects, including:
– Supplying HDPE pipes for Khartoum State Water Corporation (Zero Thirst Program).
– Supplying pipes for internal water network of Gedaref city (Radical solution project).
– Contributing to Al-Baida water pipe in the White Nile State.
– Contributing to Deleng and Kadugli water networks.
– Contributing to the East Gazeera locality water network.
– Contributing to the Singa water network.
Contributing to agricultural renaissance (Nahdha) projects with Zadna International, by supplying HDPE pipes for agricultural axes.
Localizing plastic parts products for the Defence Industries System companies.